Products For Sale
Here at Gas Technologies we mainly specialise in equipment based around breathing gases for CCR (Closed Circuit Rebreather) technical diving. However over time we have added some more lines that both recreational and technical divers will find useful.
Our choice of equipment and accessories is based on our own experiences over many years of technical CCR diving. This has helped us hand pick a range of products from tried and trusted manufacturers
Please feel free to browse our products and contact us if you find anything that interests you – we will be pleased to answer any queries or advise on any product.
Product Categories
Avatar Dry Suits (2)
Hoods (2)
Rebreathers (59)
Shearwater Computers (15)
Shearwater Dive Computers (16)
Gas Blending Accessories (1)
Diving Air Compressors (52)
Nitrox Compressors (10)
MPS Gas Booster Pumps (10)
MPS Gas Booster Pump Accessories (21)
Diving Lights (25)
Cylinder Tanks (41)
Dive Clothing (15)
Dive Propulsion Vehicles (DPV) (1)
Service Parts & Accessories (65)